Hague Seminars

As we continue waiting, we've been assigned homework—finish our training seminars. Last Friday, with all eleven hours mapped out on our calendar, we began. We were very optimistic as we started the videos. I must admit that, after eight hours, Brian and I are feeling emotionally exhausted. 

These videos are designed to give worst case scenario after worst case scenario. This is, in part, so we can think through what we would do if we were faced with these situations. After being immersed by these overwhelming facts hour after hour, we are tapped out. Last night, after the worst seminar yet, Brian and I could do nothing after we finished. We both were mentally done with the day. We crawled into bed, prayed that God would help us recover, and went to sleep.

We are realizing that adoption is, in many ways, much like pregnancy—you never know what you're going to get (thank you, Forrest Gump's momma). There is a huge element of the unknown. Is our child predisposed to a mental health condition? Does our child have a disease that is completely preventable, but was left untreated? We will love the children God brings to us, no matter the circumstances. We are definitely praying we can skip the case of head lice, thank you very much!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray we would finish the seminars quickly and that we would continue to trust the Lord for the care of our children.
  • Please pray with us that God would keep our children safe and well cared for as they wait for us.
Posted on March 26, 2014 .